Here at Brain Vision Institute, we specialize in assisting others with auditory processing disorder.
Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a neurological defect that affects how the brain processes spoken language. It makes it difficult for children to process verbal instructions or filter background noise.
A child with APD may sometimes have behavioral issues much like a child with ADD. The child may be waiting for their auditory skills to develop and act out.
There are many signs that a child may have APD. Some of these include mishearing and problems following directions. Issues attending to oral messages, distraction by background noises, poor organization of verbal material, trouble remembering what is being said and learning to read, and many more.
Many parents will feel as though something is just off with their child. Although they may not be showing all of the signs of a learning disability, you realize that there may be a problem. Although some of the signs and symptoms are normal for any child to have, you may want to consider speaking with a company that specializes in APD if your child is experiencing multiple signs.
If you have any questions regarding auditory processing disorder, contact us today at (630) 429-7553.
*Open Saturday by appointment only.